Supporting local churches in global mission


iNet has a staff team of seven people who work with churches and their cross-cultural workers. The team has over 75 years of experience in overseas mission and member care, based in South East London

The team supports local churches in the preparation of cross-cultural workers, trains churches in member care both on the field and upon re-entry. The team facilitates local churches to send short-term overseas teams and is passionate about motivating the next generation to find their place in global mission.

P & L – Team Leaders

P & L have served overseas in a challenging environment for over 20 years and continue to lead an ‘on field project’. As well as leading the team, they are responsible for strategy, partnerships and training. This involves connecting with church leaders and cross-cultural workers to fulfil our part in the Great Commission. Alongside their practical experience they bring prophetic insight, knowledge of global mission trends and a desire to utilise the movement of people from everywhere to everywhere.

Sue – Team Coordinator

Sue supports local churches in delivering member care for iNet cross-cultural workers. She is the connection point for the volunteers who deliver member care in our local churches. Sue coordinates the iNet office including helping to organise events and sharing news. In addition to this, Sue is passionate about seeing children and young people knowing more of the Kingdom of God for themselves and giving them opportunities to experience this. If you have questions about iNet, Sue is always up for a chat over a cup of coffee.

Angela – Team Administrator

Angela is the ‘keystone’ of the office, keeping communication flowing and the finances in check. She is the first port of call if you have any questions about iNet events, church membership or practical care for those serving overseas.

Paul – Chair of Trustees

Paul is the chair of trustees, our treasurer, and runs our finances.
He worked for 35 years in business and brings technical knowledge to the team.

Trina – Member Care

Trina is gifted at mentoring young people as they follow God’s call on their lives. Trina has served as an iNet cross-cultural worker in Brazil and is now using her skills across a range of kingdom opportunities, in Greater London and further afield. Within iNet, her role is to mentor those who are following a call into overseas service and to support older TCK’s (the children of cross-cultural workers) as they move into adulthood. We will be using her skills to plan training and new events in the future. 

Iain – Member Care

Iain spent ten years in Central Asia and is part of the leadership team at the Bear Church. He brings to the iNet Team the perspective of both the church leader and the cross-cultural worker and so is able to use his skills to support both the sending church and the cross-cultural workers in the challenges of preparation, service, and when needed support to live and serve back in London. He brings expertise into the process of preparing and de-briefing short term teams.

Dave – Intern Co-ordinator

Before Covid, Dave spent eight years working overseas with Paul and Lucy. During this time he helped run a second Stage Boys house and mentor men and teenagers. Dave is currently responsible for coordinating the Intern Programme across iNet churches, and has a passion to see young people connect with the adventure and challenge of following Jesus. Previously, Dave worked in London in Project Management.


The trustees of iNet are a diverse and experienced group of people offering their time and energy.

Current trustees:

  • Paul Piper (Chair)
  • Steff Nash – A&E consultant, serves the church worldwide in enabling leaders with practical skills
  • Alison Allen – one of our alumni, Alison served in Romania
  • Verena Foster – a local iNet church leader
  • Nicky Harris – experience serving overseas and now involved in leadership at an iNet church.