Supporting local churches in global mission

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Training Young People

We are passionate about seeing the next generation growing in their faith and potential. We want to help facilitate you on your journey as you seek to find God's place for you in His world!

There are several ways that we’d love to collaborate with you…

iNet Gap Year

Youth Service week

Every few years we arrange short-term mission trips especially for teenagers (aged 14 +)  This is a unique opportunity for young people attending iNet member churches to get new perspectives on life and who God is. It is a life changing experience and we hope to see more young people attend. You will need to attend scheduled training and debrief sessions, fundraise for the trip, and afterwards share about your experiences at an iNet event.

For more information about Summer 24 and locations, including completing an Expression of Interest form, please email Angela.

Join our Internship Programme

iNet Internship is an unique internship serving in Cross- Cultural Mission locally in London and Overseas. This is an amazing hands-on training opportunity for Global Mission from everywhere to everywhere!


The Internship is offered to young people from 18 – 25 years old seeking to be discipled and to make disciples. To apply, you will be passionate about Jesus and want to learn how to grow in your faith, serve the church practically and to learn about global mission. The iNet Internship is available to young adults from the UK wanting to do a GAP Year(s). iNet also has the opportunity for young adults overseas to join the Internship on a 2-year Tier 5 Temporary Religious Worker Visa. If you are applying from overseas, you are encouraged to use the full two years available to experience and partake in a new culture more fully.


You will receive bespoke training in cross cultural mission being discipled by the iNet Team. A chance to deepen your relationship with God through discipleship study and teaching. To develop your practical skills: in communication, planning events and being part of ongoing projects. To have a cross-cultural placement for 3 months.


You will be based with the iNet Team in Sydenham South East London. You will have the opportunity to volunteer in community projects in our member churches who are based throughout London. Towards the end of your Internship you will be part of a cross-cultural project. The specific location will depend upon your calling and will be planned with you individually.


iNet Internship programme begins in September annually.


This is an exciting opportunity to serve God and make a real difference, now and in for the worldwide church in the years to come. You will develop a wide range of transferable skills to take onto your next challenge. It promises to be a life-changing programme!


If you would like to know more, speak to your church leader, a member of the iNet team or get in touch with our office here!

Important: This is a self-funding opportunity. iNet will cover the costs of residential courses and events. Interns are encouraged to raise gifts towards their support and will be given time for paid work. For those applying from overseas you should budget for the NHS charge, Visa Application Charges, insurance and flights, as well as living costs. Accommodation can be arranged by agreement with local church families.

18 to 25? Apply for our youth trip Bursary

Are you aged between 18-25, considering a gap-year or needing an overseas placement and want to experience cross-cultural mission? Through providing the best preparation and connections, iNet can support and help you tailor a gap-year that can give you a first-hand experience of what it means to work for God’s kingdom, both cross-culturally and in the UK.

As a young adult from an iNet member church, you can apply for a small bursary towards the cost of your mission trip. Contact the office here for more information.